I've been putting off doing this entry for so long because it seems so much has happened around here over the last two months that I didn't have time to type it all out. But my wonderful husband, who always gives great advice, told me to just pick something and start there. And so I will!
It's Friday and Riley's bus will be coming down the road in a few minutes. I didn't have time to go and restart the fire in the furnace, so I will have to do that after the bus arrives. Until then, I will just have to freeze. It's one of those cloudy drizzly days that makes you want to curl up under a blanket and never come out except to eat chili with homemade cinnamon rolls. I was planning to have tuna casserole for supper, but I think I just talked myself into a new menu!
Let's see, Rose and Riley are loving school. Rose is in first grade and Riley is in pre-kindergarten at Gorham Elementary school. It's so cute to see them run to get on the bus holding hands. Riley has a half day of school, so the bus drops him off at the door at noon, and Rose gets home a little before 4. It's quiet in the mornings without the two of them here, and since Jack takes a nap, it's quality time for me and Molly to spend just hanging out, folding laundry and listening to Dr. Laura solve everybody's problems!
Summer was great for us. We did a couple of day trips and one overnight camping trip, during which we were rained on for breakfast and dinner (I should say stormed on, deluged upon, if that is proper grammer) and let me tell you that if you haven't slept in a wet tent with four kids then you haven't lived! Ha! Ha! We decided against staying a second night and came home after a quick fishing excursion. I will try to post the pictures if I can, but that seems to take more time than I have these days...
Anyway, we were also so excited to have my college roommates visit for the weekend with their children over Labor Day. All together there were nine children here, with Rose (6) being the oldest! It wasy busy to say the least, but we all enjoyed getting together and watching the kids get to know each other. It seems that with the girls, we can just pick up with our visiting right where we left off the year or two before. E-mail helps! Here are some pics of teh occasion courtesy of Larry Winum. Thanks Larry!
Riley and Simone check out the rabbit cage:

Adrea hangs out on the porch with Catherine and Lucci:

Molly, Vincenzo, Rose, Riley and Simone chill out in the living room:

Now I am just trying to keep up with the produce from the garden. So far, we have filled the freezer with about:
50 quarts of green beans
4 quarts of beets
25 quarts of corn
5 quarts of tomatoes
25 quarts of zucchini
15 quarts of peppers
and canned, so far, 11 quarts of tomatoes, with many more to come. I also have to process the apples from our apple tree. I think I am going to make sauce out of those. They are quite juicy, so the crisp I made from them a couple of weeks ago was not too crispy.
In my "spare" time, I have taken on the honor and duty of educating the folks who are going through RCIA at our church (there are only two this year) and teaching the religious education classes. I have one woman and her daughter who graciously answered my call for help with the little kids, and another more experienced lady is helping me with RCIA. I am also a co-leader for Rose's 4-H club, which is the only extra curricular activity we are in, to try and curb the craziness!
I have also been doing some sewing - making some pajamas for Riley with a pattern that I bought last fall thinking that I would have time to have a baby, unpack from moving and sew a few garments here and there! What was I thinking!!!!!!! Anyway, now I need lessons in alterations because the pants are too baggy for him and I am not entirely sure how I should go about trimming them up.
Jarret is enjoying teaching this year, as usual, and he is keeping very busy with his other full-time jobs - cutting wood for heating our home and hot water, and doing contracting work as the Holiday Handyman.
So, I think that gives you a good overview of life here at Maplestone Farm. I will try my best to blog more so that I can give you more details of daily life, which are far more interesting to read and write than an update!
Check back often!