We've been busy here at the farm these last fall months. We've had a trip down to Walden to see friends and family in October (and of course we got in some great yard saling!), our first chicken slaughtering day, the first snowfall, and a wonderful Thanksgiving, celebrated here at the farm, just us. In between all those events has been the usual daily work of school and cooking, and cleaning, and laundry, and keeping the homefires burning (literally!). Life here is good. I am exhausted after preparing our feast today, so I'm going to keep this post short and to the point. Here are some pictures to enjoy. Please come and visit us!
The family assembled for the first Thanksgiving meal which I prepared all by myself. I did a good job if I do say so myself!

The turkey this year was a Butterball, but next year we plan to raise our own!

Last weekend we gathered family and friends to celebrate Jack and Molly's birthdays.

We had a family celebration for Jack on his actual birthday, November 19. Jack got a Radio Flyer bike from Grandma and Grandpa Winum, which he loves. Mimi and Pops sent some balls and wooden trucks and cars, which have also been a big hit (although I didn't snap any pics of those).

Our first snowfall of teh season, and Jack's first trip out into the snow. Last year he was just a wee babe during the winter months...

Chicken harvest 2008. Here is our nasty rooster, who attacked the children on more occasion than I care to admit, on his way to the chopping block. He made the most wonderful chicken and dumplings I have ever eaten! There really is something to be said for grass-fed meat!

Henny-Penny in the holding pen. R.I.P.